• Project Logo

    Button Bot

    A simple discord message editor which allows you to create discord messages from the dashboard including content, embeds and permissions. Button Bot becomes more powerful when you implement buttons allowing you to create reaction roles and much more. Great for server owners.

  • Project Logo

    Hive Backpack

    An all in one place for useful tools for the Hive Bedrock Edition Minecraft Server. Hive Backpack includes a collection of avaliable cosmetics from the server including costumes, pets and much more... You are also able to see player stats and leaderboards along with player counts from per game amounts.


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    I wonder, will this show up on https://cubeedge.xyz?
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    Should be back online now.
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    &881621680865300532 Button Bot is currently offline due to a power fault.
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    Authentication Issue &881621680865300532 
    Thanks to @399911902211473410 for reporting an issue regarding unauthorized access to any users server dashboard.
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    Also feel free to view the new menu update on the dashboard!
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    Hello @everyone, we would like to have some feedback on the dashboard and the bot as a whole. If you feel like you have any interests, ideas or problems please feel free to tell us in the attached thread below.

    Feel free to vote below how you feel about Button Bot below using the reactions!

    - @458670907821522946
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    Button Bot#4170

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    You can no longer transfer commands.
    We have now officially removed the ability for users to transfer commands from the legacy version of Button Bot.
    This means legacy data is no longer kept and is being removed.
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    This is your last chance to transfer your commands from the legacy version of Button Bot as its the last day this feature will be available. We are removing the feature on the <t:1669420800:D>.
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    A reminder that on the <t:1669420800:D> we will remove the ability to transfer Button Bot legacy commands to the newer version. This is done as transfer support requires us to still up keep the old systems. Your legacy data will no longer be available! This does not apply to the current version of Button Bot.
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    We will be removing the ability for users to be able to transfer their commands from the legacy version of Button Bot on the <t:1669420800:D>. If you still want to transfer your old messages please do so within the next week. If you have any issues with transferring commands currently please done hesitate to ask for help. The pre-existing commands will no longer be accessible <t:1669420800:R>.

    Thank you for understanding.
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    🥳 🥳 🥳  Button Bot Update 🥳 🥳 🥳 

    The new version of Button Bot is released! This update includes many features, such as:
    - Command/Action permissions
    - Multiple Actions per button
    - Multiple Messages per command
    - With a completely new dashboard design!

    We do expect to have some bugs and issues so please send those our way. Hope you enjoy the update and we hope to add more features very soon!
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    🥳  Today we are hoping to release the updated version of Button Bot!

    This will result in Button Bot being offline for parts of the day. The new update consists of a complete redesign of the dashboard which will increase the usability and speed of updates in the future. We hope we wont have any issues but if there are any please dont hesitate to tell us. We will post another announcement when the update process is complete.

    You will have to transfer and update your old messages to the new version and resend the discord messages for it to work after the new update.

    - @458670907821522946
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    &881621680865300532 I have just released an update that removes the text " @458670907821522946 used /run ". If you have any issues please feel free to tell us in #1021379961292083220 .
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    Expected downtime this Friday for around 2 hours.
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    :green:  Button Bot's Birthday

    Today is Button Bot's 1st Birthday we would like to thank everyone so far for using Button Bot to create interactive buttons and messages in their server. We have some upcoming updates for Button Bot which should be releasing within the coming weeks. From all of us at CubeEdge Studios we hope you have fun using Button Bot and we can't wait to show you more!

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  Button Bot Updates

    We have made a few updates regarding our last announcement for Button Bot. So here is a list of most of the fixes and changes:

    - Complete rework of the create and edit pages. (including a new look)
    - New embed system. (we plan to add more features of the discord embed to ours in the coming future)
    - Removed the detail page to go straight to the edit page.
    - Gave a new look to the list of messages.
    - Removed the requirement to give your buttons an invisible name.
    - Made the validation way more robust and will attempt to stop bad messages being ran.
    - Updated the speed of some API routes.
    - Buttons now have a different flow to creating them.
    - Upped some limits on certain text fields.
    + more..

    There are some know bugs that we have noticed and we will get to fixing them in due time. This includes the website rendering strange on small screens.

    We will be also working on a few updates on the bot itself. This includes a possibility that messages will be fully usable in DMs and also a few bug fixes.

    + We will be moving around some channels because we need to clean them all up!

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  900 servers using Button Bot 

    We have made the great achievement of reaching 900 servers that use Button Bot. We would like to thank all of you to allow use to reach this point.

    With this announcement we want to say that we will be delaying the updated version of button bot for multiple reasons.

    We awaiting some features that discord have announced and are planning to release in the coming weeks and months. These features will improve the usability of button bot.

    We didn’t anticipate how much work needed to be put into the new version to allow it to be ready for future updates.

    Overall allowing this delay will give support for a better future for button bot.

    Meanwhile we will be fixing major bugs and adding some wanted features to the current version as it really needs it.

    I hope you understand why we chose to do this and why we are going with this approach.

    - Regards, @458670907821522946
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    :green:  800 Servers

    Thankyou to everyone for letting Button Bot reach 800 servers!

    - @458670907821522946
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    :yellow:  Domain Changes

    We will soon be removing our "mfdcraft.net" domain from all our websites as a redirect please change to our new domain "cubeedge.xyz".

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  700 Servers

    Thankyou for helping Button Bot reach 700 servers!

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green: 600 Servers

    Button Bot has now reached 600 servers! We will be giving out the &935166953285386310 role to gain it continue below.

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  Updated Website

    We have updated our website to have new design and represent CubeEdge Studios more closesly.
    Please enjoy! https://cubeedge.xyz

    - @458670907821522946
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    @everyone  We hope you have a Merry Christmas!
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    :green:  500 SERVERS

    Button Bot has reached 500 Servers. This is amazing and we hope you are all happy using Button Bot. We are also giving away the &922623583426072626 role to anyone who clicks below. Thankyou to everyone who uses Button Bot we really appreciate it. We are still working hard on the rewrite and we will release it when we have reach the same stage that the current one is now. We will continue to update it with new features after that. Again thankyou for 500 Servers and we hope you have a Merry Christmas!

    Thankyou @everyone
    - @458670907821522946
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    :blurple:  Button Bot Progress

    This roadmap may be incomplete. #920406212221235271

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  Mentioning Support

    For support you are able to mention these roles. It is best that you only mention the roles suitable for your problem.

    &875414610340093952 General Support .
    &906233371066241054 Staff Issues and Application questions.
    &906234158911741973 General Button Bot Support.
    &906233847140728834 Button Bot Moderation Issues.* (see below)
    &906234210459746354 Button Bot Issues with content.
    &906232247227674655 General Bugs and Issues.
    &906233177801125888 General Issues with Button Bot Art.
    &906233257362866217 General Issues with the flow and look of Button Bot.

    * We moderate servers from reports to make sure we aren't in any servers we think Button Bot may not be suitable for. This is a rare occurrence and we hope no one has to deal with this.

    We would appreciate that you don't mention any &856592178579243069 members directly.
    Thanks, @everyone
    - @458670907821522946
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    :yellow:  Additions

    @everyone We are looking for your suggestions for actions. e.g. "Send Message", "Give Role". We will add them to the new version of Button Bot which we are working hard on. So suggest away.

    Answer in thread below.

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  400 SERVERS

    Button Bot has now reached 400 servers. We would like to thank you all for this achievement. We will still continue to work on the bot and are wanting to soon release the updated version.

    Thankyou @everyone
    - @458670907821522946
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    :green: Our domains are moving

    We have moved our domain "mfdcraft.net" to "cubeedge.xyz".

    New Links
    Website: https://cubeedge.xyz or https://www.cubeedge.xyz
    Button Bot Dashboard: https://button.cubeedge.xyz (for now the old domain still redirects)

    If you have any problems with these please don't hesitate to tell us.
    You can ping &875414610340093952 or &906234158911741973

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green: 300 SERVERS

    Thank you everyone for using Button Bot and allowing us to reach 300 servers. In reality reached 300 servers 2 days ago and from now we have reached 314 which is some of the quickest growth we have seen in Button Bot. We are really happy to start releasing some updates soon and we are hoping to make it easier than ever to make buttons.

    Many people have asked about things they want in Button Bot I would like to tell you all to go to our Trello where we have laid out everything we want to update.

    Trello: https://trello.com/b/04uXQvwf/button-bot-v2

    Keep in mind all these updates are planned to be added in our rewrite which we are working hard on.

    I would also like to say we have reached 100 members in our server and that’s amazing.

    - @458670907821522946
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    :blurple:  Button Bot Rewrite Upcoming Features

    We have made a Trello to show all our upcoming features for Button Bot. It is important to note that these will only come in the rewrite which we may also call it as V2. There is no date on the release of this as we want to make this version as easy to use and easy to maintain and update as we possibly can. If you have any concerns message me privately or bring up your concern in #869201884152492042.

    Have any suggestions tell us in #878287704004132905.
    Please note button actions are listed underneath the Extended Action Types as they make sense to be grouped.

    Trello https://trello.com/b/04uXQvwf/button-bot-v2

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  200 SERVERS

    Thankyou for adding Button Bot to 200 Servers. Keep an open eye for updates coming :soontm:.

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  Future Planning

    Want to know what we are doing in the future of Button Bot. Follow below.
    Go to #738833429512323074 and verify, go to #875435541175369728 and collect the Button Bot Channels role, Finally go to #866992042370531339 and read!

    - @458670907821522946
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    :green:  !! Button Bot is Verified !!

    Button Bot is now verified! We are really happy this has happened and we would like to thank everyone who helped us get here. We would like to announce that everyone who have had Button Bot in there server has the chance to get the &888878778355421224 role. If you have been the owner of a server Button Bot is in from before <t:1631919600:d> you can get this role, just message @458670907821522946.

    - @458670907821522946
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    Hive Cosmetics is officially released! :hivecosmetics:

    Search through our database of cosmetics from The Hive Minecraft Server.

    Hive Cosmetics is available at https://www.mfdcraft.net/hive

    :hivecosmetics:Find Cosmetics Now :hivecosmetics:

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    CubeEdge Website

    We have just released the CubeEdge website. This site is very minimal but links you to all our projects.

    Website: https://www.mfdcraft.net/
    Privacy Policy: https://www.mfdcraft.net/privacy/

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    Button Bot officially released! :bot: 
    Using @853006142540087337 you can create messages/commands interactive with Discord buttons.
    Button Bot is avaliable on the dashboard at https://button.mfdcraft.net/, and also on top.gg at https://top.gg/bot/853006142540087337
    Enjoy your buttons! :but::ton: :but::ton: